About me



Living as a successor to the history and culture of Japan.

The origins of the Hamayasu family trace back to the ninth century when our ancestor, the Matsumura family, served Sugawara no Michizane. Accompanying Michizane during his exile to Dazaifu, they left the capital and travelled down the Yodogawa River, disembarking at Tomo in Bizen province. They resided for a long time in Matsunaga before relocating to the Bizen provincial capital, Fuchu, where they remain to this day. Inheriting the spirit of Michizane from my father's side - a spirit of Japanese essence, intellect, defiance to the central authority, and rebelliousness, and the freedom, open-mindedness, and global perspective of the Sakai merchants from my mother's side, I devote myself to innovating the lifestyle of modern Japanese people.



Succeeding in various businesses that I have undertaken so far.

Taisuke Hamayasu, the head of the Hamayasu House, has been involved in various businesses. Since my early childhood, I have nurtured a spirit of freedom, independence, and self-esteem, aiming from when I began to form memories not to be led astray by self-interest, not to succumb to selfish desires, to prefer virtuous deeds over the limelight, and to aspire to be a unique individual incomparable to others, with an unwavering heart full of love. During my schooling years, I valued spirit over knowledge and favored a compassionate ordinary person over a detached scholar. Upon entering junior high school, my unique devotion to learning was recognized, and I achieved the top grades among 600 students in my grade during the third year. However, after that, I preferred to remain inconspicuous.
I advanced to a prestigious college-preparatory high school but rebelled against its education, which emphasized university entrance over character education. I led a free-spirited and fiercely inquisitive school life, disregarding classes and exams. Without ever studying for entrance exams, I joined the student movement at Ritsumeikan University and received revolutionary guidance from the Ritsumeikan Communist Party organization, the highest level in Japan. I decided to devote my life as a warrior of the Japanese revolution, abandoning worldly success and achievement.
After graduation, I practiced mass movements on the consumer front at the Yokohama Consumer Cooperative but lost my revolutionary ideals in the co-op's officers and party organization. I resigned with my friends and established a company to become independent. Shortly after the establishment of the company, I succeeded in the real estate business, achieving over 100 million yen in annual sales. I achieved 80 million yen in half-year sales in the international marriage business. I succeeded in establishing the only fully-funded, full-board, and women-only Japanese language school in Japan in the overseas Japanese education business. In the overseas real estate investment business, I succeeded in developing a resort project in Cebu. I designed and built a private villa on an 8,000-square-meter plot of land on one of the most popular islands in Cebu and succeeded in relocating there.
I was nominated by author Gousuke Suzuki to be the president of the Heart Maker Foundation. Currently, having broken with the international communist movement, I am planning and preparing new businesses under Japan's history and tradition amid the confusion of the global situation.

濱保泰介 Taisuke Hamayasu


Born in 1949 in Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture. Entered Osaka Prefectural Mikunioka High School and graduated from the Faculty of Business Administration at Ritsumeikan University. Joined and resigned from the Yokohama Cooperative (now Co-op Kanagawa). Serving as the representative director and chairman of a group of companies and corporations I established in Yokohama. I am the head of the Hamayasu family. Our corporate group, through a broad network both domestically and internationally, handles a variety of products and provides services in various business sectors. Based on the philosophy of 'integrity and trust', we contribute to the realization of a prosperous national society.